Greenwich Giving team

Greenwich Giving is currently being incubated by METRO GAVS — Greenwich's Council for Voluntary Services which sits within METRO Charity.

While Greenwich Giving operates as an independent initiative, we are grateful to receive support from the wider METRO team for core services like HR and finances. 

Anna Ritchie, Head of Greenwich Giving

Anna (she/her) is the strategic and operational lead for the giving scheme. This involves putting together Greenwich Giving's first campaigns, community consultations, and grant-making rounds. 

Anna has worked for multiple London charities that focus on tackling homelessness and education reform. Starting out as a frontline support worker, Anna has done a variety of roles including fundraising, impact, and strategy. 

If you have an idea for Greenwich Giving, please don't hesitate to reach out, at or on LinkedIn.

Hannah Weber, Communications and Community Coordinator

Hannah (she/her) is responsible for establishing the communications brand of the organisation and increasing community engagement across the Royal Borough of Greenwich. This includes managing the social media channels and growing the charity and community networks. 

Before joining Greenwich Giving in 2025, Hannah studied sociology and politics and worked within the education and charity sector in Germany and England.


Mark Delacour, Director of External Affairs (METRO Charity)

Mark (he/him) leads the external affairs directorate in the wider METRO charity. He oversees the communications team, social media, website, publications, advertising, and public relations for METRO Charity as a whole. He provides strategic oversight and advice for Greenwich Giving, and sits on the scheme's steering group. 


Greenwich Giving Steering Group

Greenwich Giving is supported by a steering group made up of representatives from the charity, private and public sectors in Greenwich. The steering group provides strategic direction and guidance, and connects us to networks from across the borough. 

Greenwich Giving will be looking to expand membership of its steering group in 2025. Recruitment opportunities will be published via our mailing list and social media. If you'd like to express interest, please reach out.

Organisations currently represented on our steering group: